Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Hair Grooming on Sunday....

Salam korang....

Okay....a brief and short post ya.....just wanna share the excitement of having this new gadget....Olympus EP-L1. It was Sunday....i decided to get my hair cut....n yup....Hair Groom @ Giant Taman Permata......Wash + Cut + Blow Dry..... = RM 25 okay la after that almost a year living without having my hair together with this post, I attached a video for u peeps out there to get the feel of having ur hair cut....uhuhuhuh

So ppl....wut dya think....dya feel da vibe....uhhuuh...

Anyway....thanks to Anak Felda for shooting the clip....luv da effect dowh.....not to forget the director, Macamkukata.....we cud hear u instructing da camera man to zoom on the main subject.......last but not least nenek as the pelakon tambahan ya......dat really mks da clip so natural lk tis.....hehehe